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The Best Question - Why Choose Keri Sites ?

Sold or have more questions before choosing me?

Contact me HERE.

Easy! Keri Sites is:

  • Transparent

  • All-in-One

  • Mobile Optimized

  • Google SEO Ready

  • Flexible

  • Quality-Focused

  • Satisfaction Guaranteed

  • Communicative

More detail on each point is listed below.


I am transparent and up-front about my pricing as well as what I am and am not capable of doing for your website.


Most web designers only design the website but do not make it functional or viewable to the public.

Most web builders only use templates or already created layouts and will make it functional but still may not host it for public view.

Most hosting sites will allow you to customize a very limited template and sometimes won't even allow you to use your own domain.

I do all three. The only charges I earn, myself, are for the design, building, and maintenance. Hosting and certain functions offered through Wix are charged at their own fixed prices without additional fees for myself.

Mobile Optimized

Every site I create will always include a Mobile Optimized version. This is the ability to view your site just as beautifully and easily on any mobile device or tablet alongside the desktop and laptop view.

Google SEO Ready

I have a step-by-step plan for every website I create to improve its SEO, which will help your website list higher on Google searches and get found online easier.


I offer various meeting and design options, making me incredibly flexible to work with. I am available for discussion in person, online, or even solely through text. I am also easy to contact any day from 11:00 am to 3:00 am for any issues or questions. Design-wise I am able to create from scratch, change, or import most already created designs into your website.

Quality Focused

I do not work for an agency or company that is striving for quantity over quality. I have my brand attached to the bottom of every site I design and have pride in every website I make is able to be linked directly back to me. I do not charge hourly because I spend quite a bit of time carefully choosing every detail you've not already decided on to make your website flow perfectly.

Satisfaction Guaranteed

I am so certain that you will be satisfied with the look and feel of your website that I don't charge until your website goes live. Not only that but during the first month of using your newly customized site if you decide you want to change anything for any reason, it will be done without any fees.


Part of my satisfaction guarantee comes from the communication I have with you. I take all concerns, ideas, preferences, and feedback into every site design. Communication is a huge part of my Design Process, which you can view in detail HERE.

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